12:30 Departure from Warsaw
15:30 Accommodation in Chęciny & coffee break
16:30 Introduction
17:00 VIGO “Infrared photodetectors”
18:30 Supper
19:30 Roberta Caruso “Career path in science”
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Excursion to the open-air museum in Tokarnia
12:30 Coffee break
13:00 Jan Chwedeńczuk “Entanglement and its applications”
14:30 Dinner
15:30 Jakub Bogusławski “Biophotonic applications of femtosecond fiber lasers”
17:00 Poster session 1
17:30 Coffee break
18:00 Poster session 2
18:30 Supper
19:30 Magdalena Osial “Soft skills – workshop”
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 VIGO “Infrared photodetectors”
11:00 Michał Jachura “From quantum cryptography to microsatellite constellations: optics in secure optical communication”
12:30 Dinner
13:30 Magdalena Osial “Soft skills – workshop”
14:30 Departure to Warsaw